Web Site Packages
Custom Web Development
Premium web designing will be align to your requrements. At lankawebsite Web, we take your concepts and build correct, effective websites that achive all expectations. From small healthy businesses, to accomplished large companies, we can handle any size project. Take the first step with a custom website. All are waiting to see what you have show you throgh your website.
Web Design & Development prices as given by following pricing table.
Basic WebsitesRs.5000/= to 10,000/=
- Complete Website
- Website Backend Admin panel
- Mobile responsive Design
- 1 Year Free Service
- Facebook Integration
- Basic Support
- Photos & Videos Supported
- Support Hosting & domain setup see domain pricing
- Contact Us
Ideal for websites are not frequetly update. Owner can update very important information in website!
Advanced WebsitesAbove 25,000/=
- Business Website
- Website Backend Admin panel
- Products, Services & Listning Updatable
- Mobile responsive Design
- E-commerce (shopping) Feature
- Facebook Integration
- 1 Year Free Service
- Basic Support
- Photos & Videos updateble
- Support Hosting & domain setup see domain pricing
- Contact Us
Ideal for websites are frequetly update. Owner can update information, products, services & listning in website. Support online products or services selling
.com.lk Rs. 1000
- Nearly Rs. 1000/=
- Renew Yearly
- prices can litle bit change
- by lk domain registry
success.hotel.lk mysalon.com.lk mytravel.web.lk myhotel.com.lk mysite.web.lk
.LK Rs. 3500/=
- minimum Rs. 3500/=
- Renew Yearly
- prices can litle bit change
- Prices by LK domain Registry
gosuccess.lk mytopsalon.lk mylankatravel.lk myrealhotel.lk mywebsite.lk
We can design and develop your site to align your Unique requrements which is in your mind or you have seen somewhere.
Premium Website Prices for get an idea
Following prices can be up or down with the specific requrements.
Low cost Website Solution for you business
Further you need a professional unique website, we can build you a premium grade websites. Please contact our low cost web design for further details.